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Das Springkraut (Impatiens glandulifera) ist die Ungedulgsbachblüte Impatiens

Bach Flower Philosophy

Bach flowers do not act chemically-biologically on physical matter - the physical body - but energetically-frequently on the etheric level - the bioenergetic field of the body (aura).

The basic concept of Bach Flower Therapy is based on the philosophical idea that human life and the human being itself is part of a larger idea of creation - just as the cells of the human body are individual cells in themselves and in their unity form a body system, each human being as a unique individual is also a vital component of a larger unity.


Hermes Trismegistos formulated the universal law, "As above, so below. As within, so without." There are many designations for the great unity and it is up to everyone to use the one that suits him or her.


Just as each cell of the body has a specific and individual task and brings a specific potential to fulfill that task, the human being enters this life with an individual life plan, her*his destiny, and brings specific potentials for it.

Every human being has an immortal soul, the true or divine self, which exists in divine unity outside of time and space.  At the same time, every human being has a mortal personality, the "I" or "ego," which is identified with the body and is unaware of its true, divine nature. The messenger and mediator between these instances is called the "Higher Self" or "Inner Guidance" in the context of Bach Flower Therapy.

While the immortal soul knows the destiny and tries to implement it through the personality into the concrete reality of life, the personality is initially not aware of this destiny. The contents of the soul plan are not of a concrete nature, but correspond to superior ideal qualities (archetypal soul states). The realization of the soul plan happens with the help of the specific potentials that each person brings with him, which correspond to these archetypal positive soul states - Bach calls these states "virtues" (e.g. love, serenity, compassion). The realization and embodiment of the virtues is the true happiness of man.


If a person does not follow his soul plan, he loses contact with his "True Self". In this loss of contact, she/he adapts destructive behavior patterns (e.g. impatience, envy, aggression), the potential of virtue turns into a "lack". The embodiment of the deficiencies evokes unhappiness.

Bach flowers vibrate in a specific, high frequency. These frequencies are identical with the vibrations of the positive archetypal states of the human soul (e.g. love etc. see above). Bach discovered 38 plants which correspond to the 38 positive soul states - these are the 38 traditional Bach flowers with which we still work today.


If through the loss of connection to the "Higher Self" or the lack of embodiment of the "true self" a virtue turns into a deficiency, this deficiency vibrates at the corresponding low frequency. The Bach flower that corresponds to this archetypal potential vibrates at the corresponding high frequency and, when taken, brings our energetic body into this high vibration. This makes us remember the positive state of mind - which is part of our being and our essential birthright. In combination with the understanding of the spiritual misunderstanding and the personal power formula, we activate our soul self-healing powers and manifest this positive soul state into our everyday life, whereupon the transformation also manifests in our physical body.

Die Eiche (Quercus robur) ist die Bachblüte Oak, die Ausdauerblüte
Health and Disease

Health is harmony and a person is healthy when she/he lives in harmony with her/his own soul plan. The energy of creation flows freely through the individual who is happy and liberated, and manifests and becomes visible in all her*his actions and expressions.

According to Bach, the basic disease of man and the true cause of any disease is the embodiment of the "deficiency" states described above. Whenever man does not act in accordance with her*his life plan, disharmony prevails - there is disturbance, friction, distortion and loss of energy. This shows itself first in unpleasant, negative emotional states, in the course as an increased susceptibility to physical illness and finally as physical disease. This is a warning signal sent by the Higher Self to call attention to the disharmonious states.

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