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Die Mond-regierte Vogelmiere hat beim Yoni-Steaming eine nährende Wirkung


Is Yoni Steaming Therapy right for me?

Yoni Steaming can be used, among other things, to support the healing of...

menstrual cramps and PMS, irregular cycles
Fibroids, cysts, endometriosis

Processing and integration of traumatic experiences

Regression of scar tissue and

emotional clarification

vaginal infections and susceptibility to vaginal infections

Menopause syndrome/menopausal symptoms, vaginal dryness


Yoni steaming refers to an ancient healing practice in which women sit or squat over a steaming pot with their abdomens undressed. There are many names for this practice (abdominal steaming, steam sitting bath, vaginal/yoni steaming,ähung, bajo, chai-yok, bakera, ...). This practice has been used for thousands of years and is found in healing traditions from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.


Yoni comes from Sanskrit and refers to the totality of the female sexual organs on a physical and spiritual level. Yoni literally means "sacred passage" or "source". In a world and time where the female sex organs have experienced much mistreatment, shaming, and objectification on both a verbal and physical level, this word can help us remember the sacredness of femininity again, and its use represents a counter-voice to the heteronormative and phallocentric self-image.

Rosenblüten nach dem Yoni-Steaming

Yoni Steaming in the healing arts

In Yoni Steaming, water is heated in a pot, herbs are added to the water and the woman sits or squats over it with her abdomen undressed. Steam and heat touch the vulva and surrounding structures and with the steam the ingredients of the herbs and plants are also transported. Through the skin and mucous membranes - which are softened and absorbed by the heat and moisture - the plant ingredients reach the internal sex organs via the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, as well as the surrounding pelvic muscles.



Therapeutic use of water
In Yoni Steaming, the water serves, among other things, as a transport medium of heat and plant ingredients.

The steam already has a beneficial effect on the body even without plants:

The muscles of the pelvis, vagian and uterus relax and the parasympathetic nervous system (rest - digest - reproduce) is activated - this is the counterpart of the sympathetic nervous system (fight - flight - freeze).

The blood vessels dilate and blood flow to the muscles and genitals is stimulated. These are increasingly supplied with nutrients.

Intestinal peristalsis and kidney activity are stimulated. Digestion and excretory processes via the kidneys are stimulated.



Therapeutic use of medicinal plants

On a physical level, specific plant ingredients, when ingested or absorbed through the skin, trigger specific processes in our system. When plants are used properly, these processes are supportive and healing. On an energetic level, we also interact with the essence of the plant in every phytotherapeutic application.

By adding plants, the effect of the Yoni-Steam can be adjusted and tailored to the user's individual needs and constitution as well as current complaints.

The effects of the plants can have the following qualities:






aromatische Kräuter


Sub-area of phytotherapy in which essential oils and plant waters (hydrolates) are used therapeutically.

As a phytotherapeutic application, it follows the same laws as phytotherapy, in this subfield the focus is on the healing properties of the aromatic components of the plant.

How scents affect the soul

"Long before there were eyes and ears, the first living creatures communicated with each other in ocean water by sending and receiving chemical messages. From this process, the sense of smell developed, and from the first few primeval olfactory cells on a nerve cord, the brain developed in the course of evolution" (from: "Das große Buch der Pflanzenwässer" by Susanne Fischer-Rizzi).

Smells are transmitted unfiltered and directly from the sensory cells of the nasal mucosa to the developmentally oldest parts of our brain: the limbic system with amygdala and hypothalamus. These areas of the brain are where our emotions originate and they are involved in processing experiences and memories. Our system responds to scents intuitively, immediately, and uncensored and is not constrained by rational thought processes and evaluations that take place in younger brain areas. Scents can therefore touch preconscious (early childhood and anestrial), repressed (traumatic) and forgotten parts and bring us into contact with them.

Yoni-Steaming Stuhl
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