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“Krankheit ist weder Grausamkeit noch Strafe, sondern einzig und allein ein Korrektiv; ein Werkzeug, dessen sich unsere eigene Seele bedient, um uns auf unsere Fehler hinzuweisen, um uns von größeren Irrtümern zurückzuhalten, um uns daran zu hindern, mehr Schaden anzurichten - und uns auf den Weg der Wahrheit und des Lichts zurückzubringen, von dem wir nie hätten abkommen sollen.”

Edward Bach (Begründer der Bachblütentherapie)

Is a Bach Flower Therapy right for me?

Bach Flower Therapy is supportive in all forms of challenging life situations, often, but not exclusively, it is used in the following situations:

Working with trauma

extreme mental states

(e.g. Dark Night of the Soul, Losses)

Transitions to new stages of life

(e.g. maternity, marriage, retirement)

frightening situations

(e.g. exams, applications)


Begleitung bei akuten und chronischen Erkrankungen

Saturn return

1. Return: Exploration (~27-30 years)

2. Return: Development (~57-60 years)

3. Return: Transzendez (~87-90 years)

Yoni steaming refers to an ancient healing practice in which women sit or squat over a steaming pot with their abdomens undressed. There are many names for this practice (abdominal steaming, steam sitting bath, vaginal/yoni steaming,ähung, bajo, chai-yok, bakera, ...). This practice has been used for thousands of years and is found in healing traditions from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.

"If we keep in mind that, in fact, the true cause of disease lies within our own personality and thus within our control, then we may live without fear and anxiety in the knowledge that we have the cure within us.

The cure must come from within us, through acknowledging and correcting our mistakes and harmonizing our being to the divine plan.
Once the defect is found, salvation lies not in fighting it or in expending willpower and energy to suppress the wrong, but in a steady development of the opposite virtue, which automatically removes all traces of the defect from our being.

To fight against a defect is to strengthen its power, this keeps our attention focused on its presence and actually involves us in a struggle.

Forgetting about the lack and consciously striving to train the virtue that will make it impossible, this is the real path to victory.

This may be a little difficult at first, but only at first, for then it becomes apparent how amazingly rapidly virtue supported wholeheartedly can grow."

(from: “The Original Bach Flower Therapy - The entire theoretical and practical Bach flower knowledge” by Mechthild Scheffer)

Die Blüte der Lärche, Bachblüte Larch ist die Selbstvertrauensblüte
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